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My weekend was better than yours

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1My weekend was better than yours Empty My weekend was better than yours Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:23 pm

Lil Eric

Lil Eric

Fuck the show section because this show was no where near here so I'm not posting it in that section.

We flew from Columbus to Philly and got a rental car and drove straight to Brooklyn and got to the show around 2ish.

(not in exact order)

Forfeit- Missed them because the line was really long and it took 45mins to get in.

Backtrack- The half of the set that i seen was real good as always. This band is real good and deserves more hype everywhere instead of just NY.

Son Of Skam- Amazing! One dude came out on stage rocking a sleeveless shirt with "DMS" on the back in sparkling leters. Other dude came out in a hoodie wearing gloves and holding a baseball bat. Good set if you're into the rap/hardcore thing which I definitely am so I enjoyed it.

Second To None- This was one of the bands I was most excited to see. Definitely didn't dissapoint and the pit got pretty wild while they played which is always entertaining. Everytime Joe None(vocalist/guitar) would refer to the crowd he say niggaz but when he was talking about someone he didn't like he'd say bitch ass nigger. It was funny. A really good set though and their merch wasn't expensive like some of the other bands.

Discipline- Never really got into this band but they played a good set none the less and a lot of people were into it.

Walls Of Jericho- Haha yaaawnn.

Subzero- Played a really good set and people went off. Played a lot of old songs which is always cool but It was suppose to be their last show and they only play 6 or 7 songs. I just figured they'd playing longer considering it was their last show but ahh well. It was still really fun and I'm glad I got to see the last show they played.

Killing Time- Definitely one of the best sets of the entire day. They played for a while which is always cool when you're seeing an old band. Lots of sing a longs, mosh and stage dives. I was dead tired by the time they played but it was still real tight being able to see them.

Terror Zone- Never seen pictures or anything of this band so I didn't realize is was basically the same line-up as bulldoze so I was confused for a second. They played about 4 or 5 terror zone songs then broke out into a few Bulldoze songs which was tight as fuck. People went off and the singer of bulldoze was calling people pussies for not moshing harder. fun fun fun!

Murhpys Law- I never liked this band on cd and always said I'd see them live if i had a chance and I did but instead I sat down because I was really tired.

Urban Waste- Sounded cool but I was still sitting down when they were playing.

Stigmata- Was good, it seemed like they played for a pretty long time but maybe I was in a daze from being so tired.

Bold- I didn't watch their set really but I came over to the stage at the end and Judge played a song with Porcell on vocals.

Indecision- Sounded really wild but I was around the corner sitting down so I couldn't see what was actually happen but they played a good set from what i could hear.

Crown Of Thornz- AMAZING! Definitely the best set of the day in my opinion. I was really excited to see them even though I was on the verge of passing out from being so tired. The pit was huge for them and everyone was going wild. They also played a few in the middle of the set. Really really fun!

Earth Crisis- Like any smart person would do I left before they played.

The next day was the after show at a much small venue called the southpaw.

Pitfight- Were aight never heard of them before this but they played a okay set.

Skam Dust- Seeing this dude rap two days in a row was tight. He had a DJ with him playing his beats while he rapped and then on the last song Freddy Madball did a track with him. It was cool.

Homicidal- Didn't even know they were suppose to play so I was really excited when I seen them on stage. People went off for them and they played a really good set. I'm happy I got to see them twice in the past 6 months or so.

Red Eyed Devil- Never listened to this band before but they were good and people went off for them. The singer talked about how they used to play a game called "straight edge" and they would smoke weed and hold it in then blow it in a straight edge kids face an laugh at them. haha and then after they said that they cover Minor Threat- out of step. Good set.

Denied- Never really listened to this band before but it's always cool seeing old nyhc bands. Good set.

Billyclub Sandwich- Good as fuck! Played a pretty long set and everyone went really crazy while they played. Its always cool seeing bands play songs with lyrics in a different language and just as many people are singing along as when they played songs in english. I guess I'm just not used to being at a show where there are different nationalitys besides white. I hope I get to see them again sometime in the near future.

No Redeeming Social Value- Were funny as fuck. The first they played was about beer of course and dudes ran from backstage with beer costumes on. Then the next song was about chicken and a dude ran from the back with a chicken costume on. Then the next song was about pussy and a dude ran from the back with a big pussy costume on. hahaha. It was really funny. No more costumes for the rest of the set but they played a bunch more funny songs. Good set.

All in all it was a fun weekend. Sucks no one from Columbus ever wants to travel to shows. hahaa

Oh and I know I prolly spelled shit wrong and I have horrible punctuation. fuck off!

2My weekend was better than yours Empty Re: My weekend was better than yours Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:46 pm



Lil Eric wrote:
Sucks no one from Columbus ever wants to travel to shows. hahaa

drove to burning fight.

would go to more out of town shows if people invited me Crying or Very sad haha

3My weekend was better than yours Empty Re: My weekend was better than yours Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:48 pm


jessefritschzy wrote:
Lil Eric wrote:
Sucks no one from Columbus ever wants to travel to shows. hahaa

drove to burning fight.

would go to more out of town shows if people invited me Crying or Very sad haha

nj in feb for etown concrete/for the love of/homicidal/agents of man
drove to chicago for burning fight
flew to california for west coast burning fight

gonna try and hit up This is Hardcore maybe, def a philly show if i cant that one, and either boston or nyc this year. maybe memphis for a show and bbq

4My weekend was better than yours Empty Re: My weekend was better than yours Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:20 am

Lil Eric

Lil Eric

X WILL DMC X wrote:
jessefritschzy wrote:
Lil Eric wrote:
Sucks no one from Columbus ever wants to travel to shows. hahaa

drove to burning fight.

would go to more out of town shows if people invited me Crying or Very sad haha

nj in feb for etown concrete/for the love of/homicidal/agents of man
drove to chicago for burning fight
flew to california for west coast burning fight

gonna try and hit up This is Hardcore maybe, def a philly show if i cant that one, and either boston or nyc this year. maybe memphis for a show and bbq

I wasn't directing this towards you because you don't really live in Columbus, I know you travel. I was more so making fun of certain people but I wasn't really being serious. haha

Last edited by Lil Eric on Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:27 am; edited 1 time in total

5My weekend was better than yours Empty Re: My weekend was better than yours Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:21 am

Lil Eric

Lil Eric

Also a bunch of us are talking about renting a huge van for this is hardcore this year so we should make a post I guess and see who all is for real down to go.

6My weekend was better than yours Empty Re: My weekend was better than yours Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:54 am



what are the exact dates?

7My weekend was better than yours Empty Re: My weekend was better than yours Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:45 pm

Lil Eric

Lil Eric

Aug 14th, 15th and 16th

8My weekend was better than yours Empty Re: My weekend was better than yours Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:58 pm


man why do TIH and The Great American Hardcore Fest have to be only a month apart. i want to go to both, but im hoping the bands that will be announced later on for TGAHF will be the ones i want to see at TIH(mainly reach the sky). would be stoked if Reach The Sky, Blood For Blood and Hope Con are some of the unnanounced bands for the boston fest

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