Columbus Hardcore
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Columbus Hardcore

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The Departed - Fast, Melodic HC from the UK-FREE ALBUM DOWNLOAD!!

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Hey All Smile

First post here!

I'm Dave H, and I play guitar in a melodic HC band from the UK called The Departed (think Bane, CBK, Champion, Sinking Ships, etc but with HUGE breakdowns!).

We're just about to release our 3rd CD, entitled "Remnants", which is a 7-track EP, so I thought I'd try and spread the word a bit!

You can check us out here:

And you can get a FREE 3-track sampler of our upcoming EP "Remnants" here:

Also, you can download our 2 previous CDs for FREE here:

This Is What We Know (2009) -

Bad Luck Records Demo (2007) -

Please, if you like what you hear, feel free to spread these to blogspots, your friends, family or anyone else you fancy! Smile

Cheers for reading!

Dave H

The Departed

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