Columbus Hardcore
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Columbus Hardcore

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Help Dustin and family out

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1Help Dustin and family out Empty Help Dustin and family out Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:20 pm



As all of his family and close friends already know, tragedy has once again struck my great friend, Dustin Hysell.

Almost a month ago, his father died of natural causes. Then, tragically, yesterday his brother unexpectedly passed away. His family not only has to deal with the emotional loss, but are also struggling to pay mounting funeral/​hospital costs.

We are already in negotiations to set up a memorial show in his father/​brother'​s honor. What we need now is for people to help out in every way they possibly can. We need offers from bands who are willing to play for free. We want to raffle off free tattoos, free haircuts, free ANYTHING you would be willing to donate for the day of the show.

Dustin has been straightedge and a huge part of the Columbus scene since the early nineties, and has played in Desperate Measures, Pitboss, Under One Flag, as well as others. Hardcore is about coming together and helping each other out.

Please contact me at myspace.​com/​fesdmc if there is anything at all you can offer up for the raffle or benefit show. Thank you all very much. Dustin deserves all the help, and DMC appreciates it. More details to come...


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